MONDAY Q&A 10/21/19

Q: I read that you are now going to place the ‘beauty re-envisioned’ album on Spotify. As an independent artist myself, I was curious what your aversion to streaming is and why you changed your mind? Thank you for your time.

A: I certainty don’t think there is a ‘one size fits all’ answer for streaming. I have always tried to guide the direction of BIC as much as possible to how I grew up with music. Again, it doesn’t work for everyone, and it does show my age! Buying a record was much more of an ‘experience’ when I was a teenager. The smell of a record store, the album’s packaging and liner notes .. all a big deal then and fairly non-existent now. I feel streaming is a very impersonal way to support music and artists. Simply my opinion. That said, with ‘beauty re-envisioned’ now being out for several months, I feel I owe it to the amazingly engineers, producers and artists that spent their time on doing the remixes to be heard by as wide of an audience as possible. Thankfully I have a label in 33.3 Music Collective that supports this, and I like to think the amazing friends we have gained thru both of our albums will continue to support BIC by wanting to own our physical product. Personally I love they way our songs sound on vinyl and it is the way I hope everyone would enjoy. We toiled over the running order and the art work … and to me that is a very enjoyable part of the overall presentation of Beauty In Chaos. I hope that streaming of our songs only increases our audience, as I do want to be able to continue offering all of our future releases in physical formats.

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